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meet the Chiropractors

Chiropractor Lakeville MN Jill Hammes


Jill Hammes D.C.

I Stumbled Into Chiropractic Care

I wish my parents would have known what I now know about chiropractic. As a child, I suffered from severe asthma and allergies. I had to leave birthday parties early if I forgot to bring my inhaler and I ran around too much.

From there I started getting frequent headaches and chronic sinus problems. This all was a “normal” part of my life that I was told I would outgrow.

As a pre-med student in college, I stumbled into chiropractic as a career path, thinking I wanted to be a “back-cracker.” After several months of adjustments from an incredible chiropractor, all of the “normal” episodes of asthma, allergies, sinus problems and headaches had all dramatically diminished. With that first hand personal experience my decision was made. Nothing was going to stop me from becoming a chiropractor myself and helping people get off their medications and get healthy.

After receiving a B.A. in Biomedical Science, I attended Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN. My education was an intense, difficult, but incredibly rewarding journey to gain the knowledge and tools to literally change lives. I couldn’t wait to share with the world the power of chiropractic.

A Chiropractic Lifestyle

My husband and I met in college and now live in Lakeville with our four energetic teenage children and three dogs. We enjoy being outdoors, no matter the season. We love hanging out at the lake boating, swimming and fishing. I am doing my best to enjoy every moment of their childhood knowing that soon they will be adults themselves.

Like any mother I want the best for my children. The two greatest gifts I can give my kids…my own good health and theirs. That’s why my family and I get our spines checked regularly (on a weekly basis and sometimes more when needed). As parents, it’s our goal to teach our children through example that health is achieved through exercise, eating well and regular chiropractic care not from a potion, lotion or pill.

Chiropractor Lakeville MN Betsy Oakland-Garey


Betsy Oakland-Garey D.C.

I Was Unsure About Chiropractic In The Beginning

Simply put, I was a skeptic about chiropractic. I was in a car accident at age 16 and my mom encouraged me to see her chiropractor. I adamantly told her no, but three days later when I still couldn’t move my neck, she got her way.

I saw her chiropractor and he worked wonders- not only on my ability to move my neck but in the way that I felt overall. Through the rest of high school and the beginning of college, I saw my chiropractor occasionally- when I felt I needed it.

During college, I felt I was meant to help people, but was very lost on my career path. One night as my mom and I discussed all the different careers she could think of (I disregarded each one) we finally came to an impasse and decided that my destiny would not be determined that night. As we were leaving the restaurant, she asked me if I wanted an appointment with my chiropractor when I was home the next weekend.

That was it! At that instant, I knew that chiropractic was what I wanted to do. I began researching chiropractic and fell in love with the natural healthcare that it provided. A few months later I spent a day shadowing my chiropractor. The people she saw that day were inspiring. I watched her work with people of all ages and conditions. The one that stands out most in my mind was a 2-year-old girl who hadn’t had a bowel movement in months. She had been to numerous medical doctors and specialists with little change. By the time she started coming to the chiropractor, she had a grapefruit-size mass in her bowels. The visit I observed was only her third time seeing the chiropractor, but she was already starting to get relief.

My Path To Chiropractic

I am originally from Iowa having lived around the entire state since my dad’s career as a pastor moved us frequently. I have a B.A. in sociology from the University of Iowa. (Go Hawks!) After visiting chiropractic schools all across the county I was most impressed with Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN. The environment of the school was fresh and exciting. The focus that Northwestern placed on research was very appealing.

While I was in chiropractic school, I began to have more regular and consistent chiropractic care. Even though I had been seeing my chiropractor every few months before I came to school, I still suffered from daily headaches, knee pain, frequent respiratory infections, and worst of all constant digestion problems. Once my chiropractic care became regular, my symptoms went away!

When Dr. Jill and I started planning Turning Leaf Chiropractic in Lakeville, our mission was to have a comfortable atmosphere of healing and learning where families feel welcome. Our goal has been to allow every person the opportunity to have the best and most affordable healthcare available. I truly believe that we have achieved this goal. Our practice members often comment that the environment in our office is warm and welcoming.

I believe that chiropractic very important. I’ve seen evidence in my own life and of those around me. The first winter that my husband was under chiropractic care, he was the only person in his entire office that didn’t take a single sick day! I get adjusted every week- whether or not I ‘feel’ like I need it.

I live in Richfield with my husband, Jay and daughters, Anna and Leah. We are active with our church and our daughters’ school and activities.

Chiropractor Lakeville MN Emily Porter


Emily Porter D.C.
(Formerly Huseth)

Throughout my life, I was very active and involved in multiple sports. Being Captain of many of my teams, I always was driven to be my best. However, during my teenage years, I began to suffer from chronic pain and fatigue with no apparent cause.

How I felt held me back from performing at my best. This became my “normal”. I would feel exhausted even after a full night’s rest, taking naps whenever I could.

It was difficult to concentrate at school; I had constant aches and pains in my muscles and joints, and mood swings that seemed uncontrollable. My mom took me to various health care providers to find answers that would explain what was happening with my body. None of them had any solid answers, and we were told that this was just something that I would have to deal with throughout my life. I was made to feel that it was all in my head.

I was frustrated and had given up! A few months later a family friend suggested I see her chiropractor, and although I didn’t think it would do much, I was willing to give it a try. After my first appointment with the chiropractor, I had hope. I committed myself to his treatment plan of adjustments and nutritional changes. In just six weeks my life had drastically changed! The chronic aches and pains in my muscles and joints were gone! I could go through the day and even the week with not needing a nap. I even noticed improvements in my life that I didn’t know were such a big issue, such as my upset stomach. Not only had I noticed a difference but my family did as well. They told me how much my mood swings had improved and how happy I seemed.

After this personal journey with chiropractic I knew this was what I wanted to do the rest of my life. I want to not only help people, but most importantly give them hope.

I was born and raised in North Dakota where I attended undergrad at the University of Mary, Bismark, ND. I graduated in 2012 with a B.A. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry before heading to Minnesota to further my education. I completed my doctorate in Chiropractic at Northwestern Health Science University in November 2015. Accomplishing my high school dream of becoming a chiropractor has been a long, challenging, and life changing journey. I am very excited to be starting my next dream of changing people’s lives at Turning Leaf Chiropractic.

Chiropractor Lakeville MN Heidi Streeter


Heidi Streeter D.C.

Dr. Heidi received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Her passion is incorporating musculoskeletal care with comprehensive integrative care. She has a special interest in nutrition, detox, and children's and women's health including hormones.

Chiropractor Lakeville MN Trish Augustine Team


Trish Augustine D.C.

Dr. Trisha Augustine graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in 2014. Throughout her chiropractic experience, Dr. Trish has worked with athletes and their families. She has worked with professional and Olympic runners, professional bodybuilders and fitness competitors, dancers, cross fit athletes, weekend warriors and professional musicians!

Dr. Trish graduated with high honors from Northwestern Health Sciences University School of Massage Therapy in 2005. She uses her knowledge of human anatomy and her clinical experience to give you the most precise treatment possible. She enjoys helping people take care of their bodies with chiropractic care.

Dr. Trish has been an adjunct faculty at Northwestern College of Chiropractic and takes pride in giving a well rounded clinical experience to our future chiropractors. She volunteers on the Chiropractic Alumni Board with the intent of connecting students and doctors.

Dr. Trish has provided sports care to the professional runners of the Twin Cities Marathon annually since 2015.
Dr. Trish grew up in central Minnesota, and is the oldest of 7 children! She loves the comfort of the small town community, but also enjoys the hustle and bustle of the Twin Cities.

Dr. Trish found chiropractic while studying massage therapy and struggling with daily migraine headaches. Medical doctors were unable to provide relief, as she was allergic to migraine medications. At this time in her life, Dr. Trish felt like her options were to live with intense pain, or stop living. Dr. Trish saw a chiropractor at the student clinic at the chiropractic college.

Chiropractic literally saved her life, as the migraines were so intense, it was making life incredibly difficult. As a result of sticking to her chiropractic care plan, her migraine headaches are now rare in occurrence. Dr. Trish now utilizes chiropractic care for wellness and athletic performance.

During her downtime, Dr. Trish enjoys family time with her husband, two daughters, and her dog Kenobi. They can often be found hitting the lakes, pools, and water parks. Dr. Trish enjoys learning about nutrition and sports medicine.


7:00am - 5:30pm

1:30pm - 5:30pm

7:00am - 5:30pm

7:00am - 5:30pm

7:00am - 11:00am

Every Other
8:00am - 10:00am


Turning Leaf Chiropractic

10438 185th St W Suite 200
Lakeville, MN 55044

(952) 898-0525
Chiropractic Lakeville MN Readers Choice 2024 Ribbon

Selected Best Chiropractor in Lakeville MN for 9 of the last 10 years!